While studying church history and worshiping the Lord of history here in Oxford, I unexpectedly encountered a bit of modern history after Evensong at Magdalen College – Hillary Clinton. There was quite a commotion during and after said Evensong this past Sunday. Afterward I found out why when I saw Hillary herself enjoying the adulation of students. She looked well and happy by the way.
But look what she said while in Oxford. Her response to the recent uncivil, abusive, threatening, and, yes, violent tactics of Leftists?
First remember that Bill Clinton, for all his faults, had enough gumption to confront the violent extremists in his party. His Sister Soulja Moment remains an example of political courage (and of political calculation, too, of course. We are talking Bill Clinton.) But instead, Hillary justified the uncivil and violent Left with…
You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about…
She thereby endorses the tactics of the Leftist mob. She endorses the Brown Shirt tactics of totalitarians. And face it, the way the Leftist base of the Democrat Party has been acting, with the blessing of Hillary, of Eric Holder among others – that is the way totalitarians act.
It became clear during the Obama years and is becoming clearer now: the Democrat Party has a disturbing totalitarian streak. Its tactics against Kavanaugh, trying to turn his confirmation into a show trial, its attacks against the free speech of opponents and even against the peace and persons of opponents, reveal it is becoming a totalitarian party if it is not there already.
And that is further indicated by even the uber-establishment Hillary Clinton being okay with that.
With the way the Democrats are going, I expect to revisit this subject. We must revisit this subject. The 20thCentury is full of lives destroyed because of slowness to confront totalitarians. But it suffices for now to say that if the Democrat Party is not politically punished for their totalitarian tactics and soon, namely November, it will be a disaster for the United States. I know that saying so will seem overwrought to some, but the Democrat Party is already that far gone as Hillary’s statement here in Oxford indicates.