Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Impeachment Trial Aftermath – Acquittal is Not Enough

With the Impeachment Trial acquittal of President Trump, the typical somewhat sane American is glad the Schiff Show is finally over, or at least this episode.  Further, it is gratifying that the acquittal was by a majority in spite of a certain RINO backstabber from Utah.  But, sadly, the impetus behind this travesty of an impeachment is not over and will not be over unless American voters make it end. 
To understand my unhappy viewpoint, we must back up and look at the bigger picture.  Democrats with a few RINO allies have been engaged in a coup against constitutional democracy since well before Trump’s inauguration.  To go through the entire coup would make this post almost as long as the Democrat Impeachment Managers’ 24 hour presentation.  But Jack Posobiec has a good summary of how the Russia hoax and the Mueller investigation part of the coup started.  And I have been following the coup since just after the election.
I noted efforts to pressure and subvert the Electoral College.
I noted the Obama Administration weaponizing the FBI, the CIA, and even the NSC against Trump and his election. 
The coup against Trump has been going on long before Schiff and Co. used the plotting Fake Whistleblower to push the coup into impeachment.
Some Democrats have even sought to make it illegal to vote for Trump.  I am not exaggerating. Democrats in Washington State and New Jersey sought to block Trump from the 2020 ballot.   
I could go on and on, but the Democrat Party has never respected the election of Donald Trump in 2016, not even now after more than three years. Heck, with the partial exception of 2004, they haven’t respected a Republican Presidential victory since 1988.  And their modus operandi when they can’t get what they want through democratic Constitutional avenues has long been to go to Hacks in Black they’ve appointed as federal judges.  Now an additional method is a perpetual coup seeking gridlock, then impeachment.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi actually tearing up her copy of President Trump’s State of the Union address is only the cherry on the top of Democrat utter disrespect of us electing Donald Trump.
Did I mention I could go on?
In short, the Democratic Party has become an UN-democratic party that only respects elections when they win
It is hard to think of anything more dangerous to a Constitutional democracy than to have a major party that utterly disrespects Constitutional democracy.

History tells us that when such parties do win, there is no guarantee of another free, fair, and meaningful election in the lifetime of those foolish enough to elect them.  Democrats have already been brazen in their attempts to rig elections in any number of ways, including destroying election security and using the powers of the FBI and the IRS.  What would they now do to our elections should they gain power?  Make “racist” incorrect votes illegal? They have already shown a willingness to cancel out the votes of American citizens with the votes of illegals and of dead people.  
And even after Trump’s two appointments, the Supreme Court is only one or two appointments away from tearing up the Constitution at the behest of the Democrat Party.  To assume our Constitutional republic can survive another Democrat President is assuming something indeed.
Seeing that we cannot outlaw the Democrat Party as Germany outlawed the Nazi Party, there is only one way to deal with such a party. Americans must rise up and defeat the Democrat Party again and again and again until they either go the way of the Whigs or until they reform themselves and expel the quasi-totalitarians who refuse to respect our Constitutional democracy.
Yes, that may be wishful thinking on my part.  But we are too close to the point where we have no alternative.  We must never allow these anti-democratic DemocRATS to gain power in this country if we wish to remain a free, democratic, and Constitutional republic.
And even if I am overwrought and we can somehow survive Democrat victory, do we really want to reward them with our votes when they have so disrespected our votes again and again?  If you want more disrespect for constitutional democracy, then rewarding them is the surest way to get it.
Far more than policy differences are at stake.  Hey, believe it or not, I have frequently voted for Democrats and respect many of the Democrats of the past.  I still have policy differences with almost all of them, but many of them loved America and our Constitutional democracy. Today’s Democrats are a different breed altogether and one that smells of a totalitarianism that refuses to respect the Constitutional rights of political opponents.  Thanks to them, the integrity of our Constitutional democracy is indeed at stake this November.
We must punish this perpetual coup against Trump and, more importantly, against our constitutional democracy.  If we cherish our freedoms and our right to govern ourselves, we have no choice.
The Democrat Party MUST be punished in November and in Novembers to come.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Happy Brexit Day!

With my UK friends, I celebrate tonight’s departure of Great Britain from the European Union.  (Hey I know not all British are thrilled about it, but use it as an excuse to celebrate anyway.  And, hey, if you’ve been stockpiling, you are in a great position to throw a party!)
I marked the occasion in Anglican fashion this morning by singing a Te Deum in my home chapel.
And I not only thank God, I salute Nigel Farage.  Without his efforts through the years, there would be no Brexit.
Speaking of whom, here are two videos that are must watches. First is Farage’s final speech to the EU Parliament.  Note the pettiness of the EU to the very end.  But Farage goes out with a smile anyway.
Second is Farage’s press conference before the EU vote on the Brexit deal.  Not only was Farage in relaxed, high form, but he went through a lot of interesting recent history.  Even if one dislikes Farage, anyone with interest in modern UK history should watch.  For one thing, note his admission that he hammed it up a bit for YouTube. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

BREAKING: Facebook is Censoring RealClear Investigations Article on “WhistleBlower”

I have personally verified that Facebook is censoring a RealClear Investigations article (which article I discuss in my previous post) that documents that the so-called Whistleblower behind (and hiding behind) the current impeachment efforts was plotting to “take out” Trump mere days after his Inauguration.
On a Facebook page I have as an author, I posted a link to the article with some cutting commentary, of course.  By the next day, without any notification, my post disappeared.
So I decided to post a link to the article again, this time without any commentary to speak of.  (And I regret not doing a screenshot of that to document it.)  That, too, has disappeared.
So the issue is not my commentary … yet. Clearly Facebook is censoring RealClear Investigations’ article on the “Whistleblower.”  I suspect the pretext is that the alleged Whistleblower’s name is in the article.  Nonetheless, Facebook is censoring and keeping this important and timely article off its platform.
I may say more later.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Whistleblower in Early 2017: “Take out” Trump

The current Impeachment Show Trial is not about some phone call to the Ukraine; it is about taking out Trump.  It has always been about a coup to “take out” Trump even when he was just inaugurated:
Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower" who touched off Trump's impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues….
Two former co-workers said they overheard Ciaramella and Misko, close friends and Democrats held over from the Obama administration, discussing how to “take out,” or remove, the new president from office within days of Trump’s inauguration. These co-workers said the president’s controversial Ukraine phone call in July 2019 provided the pretext they and their Democratic allies had been looking for.
“They didn’t like his policies,” another former White House official said. "They had a political vendetta against him from Day One.”
Read the Real Clear Investigations article for more on their mutinous conversation.  Again, Eric Ciaramella is alleged to be the “Whistleblower” who provided the pretext for the impeachment and Misko later worked for Adam Schiff, the ringleader of House impeachment efforts.  These Deep State Democrat buddies have been looking for a pretext to “take out” Trump practically from Day One.  And they are far from alone.  Oh, Adam Schiff and the other Democrat Impeachment Managers portray this cabal as principled and “non-partisan.”  They are lying.
I know some may think me conspiratorial for calling all this a coup.  But the more that comes out, the more I am proven correct.  
Trump will almost certainly be acquitted in the ongoing Impeachment Trial.  The question is will we make Democrats pay for their attacks on Constitutional democracy, for their perpetual attempts to nullify our votes, for their perpetual coup? 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Democrats Schiffing to Disaster?

As if Democrats are not courting disaster enough with their transparently partisan and flimsy impeachment as part of their perpetual coup, Speaker Pelosi has appointed Adam Schiff to be the lead Manager for the Senate impeachment trial.
I could not think of a worse appointment . . . from the Democrats’ point of view.  His lying, leaking, and bad faith, not to mention his general smarminess, will become exposed in a fair trial.  The average American will see right through him.
It will be Psalm 7:15 in action.
I will surely say more.