Monday, May 27, 2019

SIX WEEK old Brexit Party Wins EU Parliamentary Elections in Landslide

Sorry – or not – for shouting in the headline. But I do not know what is more astounding – that a party formed six weeks ago, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party, would win an election by over 10 percentage points or that the “news” media would downplay that.  Come on, this is a historic event!  Who has ever heard of a six week old party winning an election, any election, in a landslide?
Some of the efforts to downplay that are comical, including dodgy math.
But even with this resounding result, it is not guaranteed that the UK will finally leave the EU.  The EU is like the Hotel California (You can check out, but you can never leave.).  In the EU elections are only respected if they have the correct result, don’tcha know.

Nonetheless, the Brexit Party victory is a big punch in the face to the UK and EU establishments.  It will be interesting to see how they once again try to thwart the will of the people.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Appointment of John Durham is Encouraging

I did not have much hope that any justice would be done against the attempted Deep State coup against Donald Trump. (And if you think I am wearing a tin foil hat by saying there was a Deep State attempted coup, get your fat head out of the sand.)
But Attorney General Barr’s appointment of John Durham to investigate the investigation encourages me.  Durham has a well known record of blowing the cover on FBI corruption and is respected by people in both parties – although expect DemocRATS to scurry and scream if he gets too close to the truth and issues indictments.
What is not as well known is that St. Robert Mueller – that holy oh-so special prosecutor that MUST NOT be criticized – St. Robert was knee deep in the corruption of an infamous Boston FBI case Durham broke.  The FBI knowingly let four innocent men take the rap for murder to cover for their informant.  And Mueller worked to keep them in prison.
By the way, earlier this week I again had a situation in which information inconvenient to the Washington establishment was difficult to come by.  I could not find much on Mueller’s unethical Boston conduct until I came across this on Zero Hedge. Again, funny how the search engines can be unhelpful in such situations.
Anyway, S. Noble’s piece is eye opening, both on how St. Robert is not so saintly and on how Durham is not afraid to expose Deep State corruption:
It was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies. Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset…”
Durham got two surviving men released (The other two died in prison.), and he got an FBI crook put away for ten years. Sadly, Mueller continued his career as a corrupt prosecutor unhindered and went on to further corrupt the FBI as Director.
Do read the article for yourself.  And do keep an eye on John Durham.  He just might get two or more Deep State traitors fitted in orange after all.  It’s a shame one of them will probably not be Mueller.  

Friday, May 10, 2019

This is Damning: Comey and Co. Were Warned about Steele Dossier But They Lied to the FISA Court Anyway.

John Solomon’s report yesterday is damning.  In October 2016, James Comey's FBI was warned by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec that Christopher Steele and his Dodgy Dossier were not to be trusted. She warned that Steele was unreliable to the point of absurdity:
She quoted Steele as saying, “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami,” according to a copy of her summary memo obtained under open records litigation by the conservative group Citizens United. Kavalec bluntly debunked that assertion in a bracketed comment: “It is important to note that there is no Russian consulate in Miami.”
Kavalec, two days later and well before the FISA warrant was issued, forwarded her typed summary to other government officials. The State Department has redacted the names and agencies of everyone she alerted. It is unlikely that her concerns failed to reach the FBI.
Yet Comey and Co. in getting the okay to spy on Trump later swore to the FISA court that Steele’s “reporting has been corroborated” and that the FBI has determined him to be “reliable.” 
Now I guess it is possible that Comey and friends were so clueless that they missed Kavalec’s e-mail and really thought Steele was “reliable,” but that is very unlikely.
So what we probably have here is lying to a FISA court to get a warrant to spy on a U. S. citizen for political reasons.  If so, Comey belongs behind bars.
Yes, I said it.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Why the Temporary Quiet?

I am being quiet for the moment.  Trust me when I say that it is not because of any lack of things to rant about.  Oh, no.  I am being provided with so much ranting ammunition.
But I am preparing for a fun yet scholarly talk.

Those in South Texas, particularly take note.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Charlottesville Revisited II: Dilbert Debunks a Hoax

This week, I did my humble part to debunk the hoax of Trump loving those fine Nazis just revived by Lying Joe Biden. But now Scott Adams of Dilbert fame has done better with a doggedly logical and detailed takedown of the Charlottesville Hoax.  At the same time he notes that hoaxes can be hard to kill due to the commitment of useful idiots (not his term – he is more polite than I) to believe them.
I doubt any further summary on my part can do his work justice, so get thee hence and read it for yourself.