Thursday, March 28, 2019

Joe Biden Smears Clarence Thomas

When I first heard of Joe Biden’s apology to Anita Hill, I immediately marveled that he decided to reopen old wounds like that.
When I heard his statement on the radio, I more than marveled; I went incandescent.  This is what triggered me, if you will:
“A brave lawyer, a really notable woman, Anita Hill, a professor, showed the courage of a lifetime talking about her experience [of] being harassed by Clarence Thomas…”
This assumes, in an important public statement, that Thomas harassed Anita Hill.  I watched those hearings and surrounding analysis closely back in 1991, and I thought and still think it far more likely that Hill was a weaponized liar. The evidence against Thomas was weak at best.  But, for political gain, Biden smeared Justice Thomas anyway. 
He could have just said Hill deserved a better hearing.  I disagree, but I would probably let it pass.  Instead, he smeared Justice Thomas as a sexual harasser all over again.  This is despicable.
Clarence Thomas’ statement back in 1991 speaks to this far better than I can.   

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

About Justice and Jussie Smollett

How much can be said about Jussie Smollett getting off easy for his fake hate!  Something that hasn’t gotten much notice yet is that we can thank George Soros for this travesty:
Illinois Sunshine, which watches political donations to key races, shows more than $300,000 donations from Soros to Kim Foxx's "Illinois Safety & Justice PAC" which Foxx used to finance her defeat of Alvarez in 2016. Soros also contributed $75,000 to Foxx's PAC after the campaign had concluded, seeding her with money for her re-election.
I could rant about Soros and those he funds – trust me I could! – but I will instead focus on a few implications for justice of charges being dropped against Smollett:
1. This feeds and confirms the perception that we now have a two-tier justice system, one for elite Democrats and favored groups, another for the rest of us.
By the way, another case yesterday also confirms that.  The 9thCircuit Court of Appeals dismissed or, to be exact, will not allow Kate Steinle’s family to sue the City of San Francisco for being a sanctuary to killer illegal Garcia Zarate.  Zarate, you may remember, was not reported to ICE although he had a long rap sheet.  He then killed Steinle, but was acquitted. Apparently, illegals and those who enable even criminal illegals have far more rights under current two-tiered justice than American citizens.
2. The Smollett case is yet another strike against the myth of White Privilege.  Really, God help the next person who throws “White Privilege” at me.
If a straight White guy wearing a MAGA hat had staged an supposed attack by a gang of Black Antifa men against him and was exposed for staging fake hate, do you think he would get charges dropped for $10,000 and “community service” at conservative groups?  The question answers itself.
There is some privilege going on here: Democrat Privilege and Hollywood Privilege. But I repeat myself.
3. This continues the pattern of Fake Hate going virtually unpunished.  And fake hate is a serious crime that harms society. It can result in real hate and riots.  The Ferguson riots were largely a result of the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lie.  Fake hate feeds hate and grievances.  As well as framing the innocent as hateful predators, it does a grave disservice to those who are victims of actual hate. 
To be honest, after years of fake hate, I’m at the point where I am quick to disbelieve allegations of hate.  So many times such allegations have been lies.  I’m not saying I should be that way, but when people cry wolf again and again, it makes one skeptical even though there are real wolves out there.
4. But, other than basic decency and self-respect, why should someone thinking of committing fake hate refrain when punishment for it is so light and rare (ifone is of a favored “victim” group, of course)?
More could be said, but I will stop there.  The problems surrounding division and justice in this country are far bigger than the Jussie Smollett case.  But it sure does feed them.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Post-Mueller Report Weekend Thoughts

I hesitate to post anything about this past weekend’s release of the Mueller Report.  So much has been said by others already.  But I’ve commented on the attempted coup against Trump in a number of venues, so I feel like I should say something.
First and most important, yes, there has been – and, as William Jacobson points out, will continue to be – an attempted coup against Trump and against constitutional democracy.  An alterego called it such very early, well before Trump was inaugurated, and events since have borne out that evaluation well.  Further the coup came from the depths of the FBI and the CIA in the Obama Administration.  As tinfoil hattish as that may all sound, there is hardly any denying it now.

For the sake of our future as a country, there has to be a price to pay for this.  I agree 
with Kimberly Strassel and others that the role of the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA among others must be investigated and am glad to see Sen. Lindsey Graham seems rather eager to do just that. But I am not holding my breath that justice will be done in Congress or the courts.  There is too much a two-tier justice system in place.  That there has not been one indictment for the corruption of the Obama Administration speaks volumes about that.
So justice will have to carried out at the ballot boxes in 2020 in both the primaries and general elections. Democrats and their RINO faux conservative enablers must be punished.  I fear for our future as a country if they are not.  The political punishment has to be so severe that in the future, the likes of Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff etc. will think twice about attempting a coup against the people, their votes, and their constitutional democracy.  I suspect the current attempted coup will end only then.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Democrats Want a One-Party State

With the exception of the Presidency and the almost perpetual exception of the Deep State bureaucracy, Democrats have not had federal and state government under their thumbs since 2010.  Americans made sure of that by inflicting massive losses on Democrats in the 2010 and 2014 elections. And, by the way, a big reason we got Trump is because not only Democrats but also establishment Republicans refused to get the clear message of those two elections.  So in 2016, we did get Trump.
Democrats don’t like that.
So are they going to be like Bill Clinton after the 1994 election and reinvent themselves as more mainstream?  Are you kidding?  We are talking today’s Democrats, you know.
No, what they trying to do instead is rig the political playing field like the good totalitarians they are.  They want felons voting.  They want illegals voting (as they already can in a few cities).  They want any number of measures that enable Democrat vote fraud, such as easy absentee ballots, same day registration, and outlawing voter ID.  They want 16-year-olds voting.  Gotta take advantage of public school propagandizing after all.

Oh, and we can’t allow those bumpkins in Middle America to have a voice.  So they want to abolish or at least render meaningless the Electoral College and give that much more meaning to block voting and election fraud in Chicago, Philadelphia, Dade County, King County (Seattle), L. A. etc.
Heck they are trying to rig the playing field in so many ways, I can hardly keep track of it all.
But what if somehow Democrats fail to get their one-party state?  Well, they have a plan for that, too – stack the Supreme Court so it will strike down just about anything Republicans manage to do and pretty much abolish that annoying Constitution.  So even if there isn’t a permanent one-party state, we will have a permanent Democrat Dictatorship of Black Robes.
And if you don’t like that, SHUT UP OR ELSE. Do you really think we would have free speech anymore? 
Again, if we care about constitutional democracy, we must defeat the so-called Democrats, and do so again and again.  (And I say that as someone who has voted for some Democrats in the past. Never again.) 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Democrats Want Votes for Trump Outlawed

No, I am not kidding.  And this is not satire.  I’ve pointed out that Democrats only seem to respect democracy and elections when they win.  Now some are taking it a step further.
Democrats in New Jersey and Washington State are seeking to ban Donald Trump from the 2020 ballot in those states under the pretense of allowing only those who release income tax returns on the ballot. Well, that is between Trump and the voters.  If a voter is that provoked by a candidate not releasing their income tax returns, they can vote for another candidate.
But the reality is these are brazen attempts to keep Trump off these states’ ballots.  That is how totalitarians act.  Under totalitarians, you may be allowed to vote, but you better vote “correctly” and may not be allowed to vote “incorrectly” at all.  
I was going to use the old Soviet Union as an example.  But then I came across this tidbit
Voting was theoretically secret and direct with universal suffrage.[1] However, in practice, until 1989 voters could vote against the Communist Party of the Soviet Union candidate, but could only do so by using polling booths, whereas votes for the party could be cast simply by submitting a blank ballot.
Now that’s clever! A “secret” ballot . . . in which you are free to let the authorities know you are voting incorrectly by walking into a special booth.  But in a way, New Jersey and Washington Democrats are even worse – they are attempting to take away the option of voting incorrectly altogether.

Totalitarianism is alive and well in Washington State and New Jersey.
If we want to keep constitutional democracy, we had better use it to defeat so-called Democrats and good.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Democrats’ Planned Resolution Against Antisemitism is a Sham.

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi put Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar on the Foreign Relations Committee, it was already well known and documented that the Congresswoman from Mogadishu was an antisemite in line with her Islamist tendencies.  With that committee being so important and privy to classified information, putting Omar on it was reckless and dangerous at the very least.
So – surprise! or not – Omar has doubled down on her antisemitism.  So to cover their rears, the Democrat House leadership is preparing a resolution condemning antisemitism.  But unless Omar is removed from the Foreign Relations Committee, and there is little indication she will be, the resolution is a sham.  Not to mention that it might not even mention Omar by name.
House Democrat leaders don’t care about the antisemitism in their midst.  Otherwise Omar would not be on the Foreign Relations Committee in the first place.  They are just trying to appease both their Jewish and Muslim supporters along with Leftists, who are chock full of antisemites.  The Left would not take effective real action against Omar well.
I hope Jewish Americans along with all decent Americans won’t let them get away with this sham.
Housekeeping: I deleted an earlier post on my disdain for what Utah has become politically because it had become a target for spammers.