Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Democrats Want a One-Party State

With the exception of the Presidency and the almost perpetual exception of the Deep State bureaucracy, Democrats have not had federal and state government under their thumbs since 2010.  Americans made sure of that by inflicting massive losses on Democrats in the 2010 and 2014 elections. And, by the way, a big reason we got Trump is because not only Democrats but also establishment Republicans refused to get the clear message of those two elections.  So in 2016, we did get Trump.
Democrats don’t like that.
So are they going to be like Bill Clinton after the 1994 election and reinvent themselves as more mainstream?  Are you kidding?  We are talking today’s Democrats, you know.
No, what they trying to do instead is rig the political playing field like the good totalitarians they are.  They want felons voting.  They want illegals voting (as they already can in a few cities).  They want any number of measures that enable Democrat vote fraud, such as easy absentee ballots, same day registration, and outlawing voter ID.  They want 16-year-olds voting.  Gotta take advantage of public school propagandizing after all.

Oh, and we can’t allow those bumpkins in Middle America to have a voice.  So they want to abolish or at least render meaningless the Electoral College and give that much more meaning to block voting and election fraud in Chicago, Philadelphia, Dade County, King County (Seattle), L. A. etc.
Heck they are trying to rig the playing field in so many ways, I can hardly keep track of it all.
But what if somehow Democrats fail to get their one-party state?  Well, they have a plan for that, too – stack the Supreme Court so it will strike down just about anything Republicans manage to do and pretty much abolish that annoying Constitution.  So even if there isn’t a permanent one-party state, we will have a permanent Democrat Dictatorship of Black Robes.
And if you don’t like that, SHUT UP OR ELSE. Do you really think we would have free speech anymore? 
Again, if we care about constitutional democracy, we must defeat the so-called Democrats, and do so again and again.  (And I say that as someone who has voted for some Democrats in the past. Never again.) 

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