Monday, September 30, 2019

Regs Changed to Enable Hearsay Whistleblowing … Right Before Hearsay Whistleblowing

Over the weekend Sean Davis of The Federalist revealed a bit of sneaky Deep State bureaucratic doings that merit more attention.  I will leave the details and documentation to Mr. Davis – for he does it very well.  But in short the rules for what sort of whistleblowing merits consideration were changed to no longer require that the whistleblower have direct knowledge.  So now hearsay whistleblowing, such as that now being perpetrated against Trump, is supposedly legit.
And when was this change secretly made?  Well that is a secret, however it apparently was done in May 2018 at the earliest.  And - now here’s where it really gets rich:
The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.
August 2019.  Hmmm.  Well I’m sure that has nothing to do with…

The complaint alleges that President Donald Trump broke the law during a phone call with the Ukrainian president. In his complaint, which was dated August 12, 2019, the complainant acknowledged he was “not a direct witness” to the wrongdoing he claims Trump committed. [Emphasis mine.]
Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Actually I am with Ace on this.  What we have here is Deep State operatives changing the rules to broaden the weapons they can use in their continuing coup against Trump to include hearsay whistleblowing.  And, thanks to House Democrats and the Democrat “News” Media, the Deep State is getting some mileage out of that bureaucratic switch, are they not?
Yes, I am putting that nicely. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

An Odd Statement on Brexit from the C of E House of Bishops

First, I have to get credit where credit is due.  On its face, the statement on Brexit by the Church of England House of Bishops is commendable.  The result of the Brexit referendum should be respected.  And even Archbishop Welby of all people has called out the Remoaners for their “whingeing”.  And care should be taken in the language used in discussing Brexit.
But the statement has the air of a body that is above the fray when Church of England bishops have been anything but.  Church of England bishops are almost all Remainers, and quite a few merit being dubbed Remoaners.  Further, some of their language towards those who back Brexit has been *cough* uncharitable as the ashes of Cranmer notes.
You know if I were to give a sermon on the sin of unrighteous anger, I would feel like a pretentious hypocrite if I did not acknowledge during it that I struggle with anger.  So how can the House of Bishops give a statement like this without clearly acknowledging and, yes, apologizing for the very public Remoaning amongst them in the years since the referendum?
Nonetheless, the statement is a pleasant surprise.  Better late than never.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Your votes are respected only if you vote correctly. Just letting you know.

If you want a good summary of how democracy is disrespected by statists and globalists in the EU, the UK, and the US for that matter, this is a must read.
In short, your votes are respected only when you vote correctly. If you do something horrid like elect Donald Trump or vote for Brexit, then your vote must be nullified. And that is exactly what the establishment in the UK and the US has been trying to do for years.
And the Democrat, RINO, Remainer hacks claim to nullify your votes in the name of democracy, of course.
To understate the obvious, this is an unhealthy situation.  Americans and British are patient and tolerant peoples. But how long can and should we tolerate our votes being nullified by the establishment?

IMPORTANT NOTE: As I posted earlier this week, violence is not the answer even though the predations of Leftists and the establishment are certainly asking for it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leftists WANT Violence. Don’t Play Into Their Hands.

Two events prompt this post.  One is the report of a plot against Antifa and a major news organization and perhaps against a prominent Democrat politician as well.  The other is the Climate Strike people blocking traffic and creating gridlock in Washington D. C.
(By the way, Greg Gutfeld went yard on them yesterday at the opening of The Five.  And isn’t creating gridlock pollution an odd way of combating pollution?)
Yes, these two events seem very unrelated.  But what they have in common is the Hard Left’s desire for violence, namely a violent reaction to their provocations.  Provoking and/or making up violent reactions is one of the oldest Leftist tricks in the book. I saw it myself during my college days. We saw it in Charlottesville where Antifa perpetrated and provoked violence.  But, thanks to a compliant fake news media and the cowardly fool who drove his car into a crowd, all we hear about in hindsight is the violence from the right at Charlottesville.
Considering the provocations from the Left, I find it remarkable that there have been so fewinstances of violence from the Right.  The contrast with Antifa and Black Lives Matter is stark.  But when there is one, such as the apparent plot mentioned above, it plays into the Left’s narrative.  Such violence and attempts at violence are not only wrong; they are foolish.

Now I am not a pacifist.  There are times when violence in defense of oneself and one’s rights is justified.  See the American Revolution.  But now is not such a time. 
So what does blocking traffic have to do with this?  At first glance, about all blocking traffic accomplishes is getting attention.  But what awful attention!  My guess is that this is why Black Lives Matter stopped blocking traffic.  That tactic turned the majority of this country against them and strongly and rightly so.
But surely Leftists know how much traffic roadblocks antagonize people.  And that is intended. The hard Left hopes someone will have had enough and violently react with their pick-up, preferably with a Trump sticker.  The hard Left wants a violent reaction; they want to become “victims” for propaganda purposes.  Yes, most of those blocking traffic do not want to be run over.  Such are foolish fodder for the Left’s purposes.
Again, the Left wants violence and often tries to provoke a violent reaction to their outrages.  So again I strongly advise – do not play into their hands.  The Left and their predations must be opposed, but they must be opposed non-violently.  Otherwise, the Left wins.
Those right-of-center have a remarkable record of non-violence in the U. S.  But it is probably good for all of us to be reminded to stick to non-violent opposition.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kavanaugh Accusations Say More About “News” Media & Democrats Than About Kavanaugh

I’ve discovered two handy rules for understanding current events:
1. If a “news” story smearing Trump or anyone supporting him or associated with him comes out, wait 36 hours before evaluating how true it is.

I’ve lost track of how many times such stories proved to be bunk.
2. Democrats lie.
Follow those two rules and you will be ahead of most people in understanding what’s going on.
Oh I should add one:

3. The “Mainstream” News Media lies.

Well . . . that is really a repeat of rule 2 actually.
Which brings me to the latest sordid accusations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  If you waited 36 hours after the story broke, you found out the supposed victim cannot recall the incident.  And you found out the source of the story, Max Stier, is a Clinton hack who was a lawyer for Bill.  These very pertinent facts were not mentioned in the original New York Times story.  Once again, the New York Times proves to be a Fake News smear sheet.
But that has not stopped Democrat candidates for President from calling for Kavanaugh’s impeachment.  These include: Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Pete Buttigieg, and of course, Beto.
Indict, convict, and sentence first and at once; evidence later.  It’s the totalitarian way.
Speaking of totalitarians, I’m old enough to remember Pravda, the state newspaper of the old Soviet Union.  They used to be a joke for being a slavish party mouthpiece.  But I am beginning to think Pravda was more professional than today’s New York Times and the rest of the Fake News media.
Yes, I am ranting a bit. These repeated smears against Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas anger me.
By the way, if you want to follow a real journalist who debunks any number of Democrat lies, follow Molly Hemingway.  She has become a national treasure.  You may find two of her stories on this matter here and here.
But as I was saying, this episode demonstrates that Democrats and their “News” Media are not to be trusted, with the truth, with fair play or with just about anything…. 
Oh, well . . . you can trust them to lie.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

San Francisco Declares the NRA a “Domestic Terrorist Organization” (And you may be next.)

Yes, it is easy to laugh it off as isolated Left Coast looniness. But I’m not laughing.  For San Francisco declaring the NRA to be a “domestic terrorist organization” should not be seen in isolation.  It confirms and demonstrates disturbing traits of the Left in the United States.
The resolution typifies the predatory hatred of the Left towards real Americans.  What is more American than a peaceful voluntary organization of millions of Americans dedicated to defending the 2ndAmendment of the Constitution?  But San Francisco smears the NRA as domestic terrorists.  Meanwhile SF is a sanctuary city, not to law abiding citizens and Constitutional freedoms, but to illegals, including criminals such as the killer of Kate Steinle.
Oh, but they aren’t illegals; they are “undocumented immigrants.” And they aren’t criminals; they are “justice-involved persons” in San Francisco.  For the Left puts illegals and criminals above peaceful law-abiding American citizens.
And the Left has that totalitarian trait of abusing language to conceal and destroy.  Illegals and criminals are the natural allies of the Democrat Party and of the Left, so their evil is disguised, and they are protected clients.  On the other hand, real Americans who give a damn about the Constitution and its freedoms are the enemies of the Left. So just as Communist China smears Hong Kong demonstrators are terrorists, San Francisco smears the NRA as a “domestic terrorist organization.”
Again this is how totalitarians act.  It is not to be written off as irrelevant nuttiness. The Speaker of the House is a Congresswoman from San Francisco.  The Left demonstrates these traits wherever they are found in the United States.  And if we do not defeat the Left again and again, those of us who care about Constitutional freedoms will also be smeared, vilified, and targeted for banishment and worse.
To think this is just a San Francisco thing is to repeat the sadly mistaken false comfort many gave themselves before they were the victims of totalitarians in the 20th Century – “It will never happen here.”