Thursday, September 5, 2019

San Francisco Declares the NRA a “Domestic Terrorist Organization” (And you may be next.)

Yes, it is easy to laugh it off as isolated Left Coast looniness. But I’m not laughing.  For San Francisco declaring the NRA to be a “domestic terrorist organization” should not be seen in isolation.  It confirms and demonstrates disturbing traits of the Left in the United States.
The resolution typifies the predatory hatred of the Left towards real Americans.  What is more American than a peaceful voluntary organization of millions of Americans dedicated to defending the 2ndAmendment of the Constitution?  But San Francisco smears the NRA as domestic terrorists.  Meanwhile SF is a sanctuary city, not to law abiding citizens and Constitutional freedoms, but to illegals, including criminals such as the killer of Kate Steinle.
Oh, but they aren’t illegals; they are “undocumented immigrants.” And they aren’t criminals; they are “justice-involved persons” in San Francisco.  For the Left puts illegals and criminals above peaceful law-abiding American citizens.
And the Left has that totalitarian trait of abusing language to conceal and destroy.  Illegals and criminals are the natural allies of the Democrat Party and of the Left, so their evil is disguised, and they are protected clients.  On the other hand, real Americans who give a damn about the Constitution and its freedoms are the enemies of the Left. So just as Communist China smears Hong Kong demonstrators are terrorists, San Francisco smears the NRA as a “domestic terrorist organization.”
Again this is how totalitarians act.  It is not to be written off as irrelevant nuttiness. The Speaker of the House is a Congresswoman from San Francisco.  The Left demonstrates these traits wherever they are found in the United States.  And if we do not defeat the Left again and again, those of us who care about Constitutional freedoms will also be smeared, vilified, and targeted for banishment and worse.
To think this is just a San Francisco thing is to repeat the sadly mistaken false comfort many gave themselves before they were the victims of totalitarians in the 20th Century – “It will never happen here.”

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