Thursday, September 26, 2019

Your votes are respected only if you vote correctly. Just letting you know.

If you want a good summary of how democracy is disrespected by statists and globalists in the EU, the UK, and the US for that matter, this is a must read.
In short, your votes are respected only when you vote correctly. If you do something horrid like elect Donald Trump or vote for Brexit, then your vote must be nullified. And that is exactly what the establishment in the UK and the US has been trying to do for years.
And the Democrat, RINO, Remainer hacks claim to nullify your votes in the name of democracy, of course.
To understate the obvious, this is an unhealthy situation.  Americans and British are patient and tolerant peoples. But how long can and should we tolerate our votes being nullified by the establishment?

IMPORTANT NOTE: As I posted earlier this week, violence is not the answer even though the predations of Leftists and the establishment are certainly asking for it.

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