Monday, August 26, 2019

When “White Supremacy” Isn’t What You Think It Is

When most of us hear “White Supremacy,” we tend to think of the few Klansman and Neo-Nazis today, or the time of Jim Crow laws or of slavery in the past.  And we rightly oppose such.
The problem is when someone influenced by Critical Race Theory says “White Supremacy,” their definition is so broad as to encompass simply disagreeing with Leftists.  Further, opposing “White Supremacy” is actually used as a cover to promote and justify racism.
If you think I am being overwrought, examine this “Pyramid of White Supremacy” being used to teach “diversity”:

Let’s see.  If you oppose or claim reverse racism, you are about a third of the way to White Supremacist genocide.  Same for being color blind. So opposing racism is racism!

“Anti-Immigration Policies” – and we know that really means opposing illegal immigration and open borders – well that puts you two-thirds of the way to being guilty of genocide.  
Heck if you are just sick of all this racial division and politics and just want to be quiet and apolitical about it all, you too are part of the genocidal pyramid.
Oh, and a “Euro-Centric Curriculum” is about high way up the pyramid.  So if you educate about Western Civilization, that’s practically genocidal! (Have I mentioned totalitarians don't like history?)

I could go on but you get the picture: if you oppose a Leftist Critical Race Theory view of the world, you are probably a “White Supremacist”.
Now if you are thinking, “So what? It’s only loons who buy that silly pyramid,” then think again.  This ideology is being taught in schools and churches, including in the Southern Baptist Convention, which has now officially endorsed Critical Race Theory as an “analytical tool.”
I will leave aside for now the question of what should be done about this.  But at least be aware that those who talk and talk about “racism” and “White Supremacy” are probably using different definitions than you and other rational people.  Beware of the racialist division they are pushing.  And, yes, have the courage to oppose it.  It will take courage.

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