Tuesday, January 22, 2019

March for Life Confrontation a Classic Leftist Tactic

Once full videos came out of the confrontation between Leftists and Catholic High School students at the March for Life, it became clear to me that what we have here is not nasty racism from a bunch of crackers (although there was really vile racism from the Leftists).  Instead, we have a textbook example of a classic totalitarian Leftist tactic – create a confrontation then play the victim for the cameras and for deceptively edited videos.
Oh, and the Native American who walked up to a student and banged his drum in his face has a history of playing the victim.
Even if the target does not respond or responds peacefully or even passively, the “victim” and Leftist backers carry on as if an outrage has occurred. I’ve seen this tactic first hand.  And here is a famous and enjoyable example [language warning with insane screaming].
Now the gentleman in the above example may not have acted perfectly; likewise for some of the Catholic high school students (They’re TEENAGERS for goodness sake!) And, of course, totalitarian Leftists exaggerate, distort and lie about any such imperfections for their political ends.
I will say the student who passively stood his ground and smiled while the drum was in his face is a hero in my book. 

I was going to write more on this when I found William Jacobson already has with videos and personal examples no less.  So read, watch, learn.  What happened at the March for Life is a frequent way totalitarians target their opponents.

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