Tuesday, April 2, 2019

About the Joe Biden Accusations

No, I am not going to rehash the sexual harassment accusations against Joe Biden.  I try to be value-added here.  So, instead, I will point out some angles on this matter that most are missing and from which we can all learn.
First, and this may surprise those who know my aversion for Democrats, I will not rush to judgement nor should others.  Yes, from all the photos and videos of “Gropin’ Joe” it is clear that his conduct has been at best unwise.  But we need to remember that he is, well, old and comes from a time when what was acceptable or just not a big deal then is no longer acceptable and is a big deal now.  Sometimes the older inadvertently violates the rules and boundaries of the younger.  It happens to just about any guy who lives a few years and likes people. 
By the way, when I was young in the 70’s and 80’s and we ran around wearing not much, it never occurred to me that the culture would become more puritanical.  But in a number of ways it has.  Some older men don’t adjust their boundary alarms to the times as well as others.  And, with Biden being a Senator since the 70’s and becoming more powerful since, how many would have the courage to warn him about boundaries?
Second, although I am not rushing to judgement, I have close to zero sympathy for Biden.  It may sound like I am contradicting myself after what I wrote above. But I remember that last week he smeared Clarence Thomas all over again.  I don’t think that prompted the current accusations.  But God is just.  What goes around comes around.  And now Biden is getting a taste of his own medicine. 
Nonetheless, Joe Biden should be treated more fairly than he treated Clarence Thomas.
Finally, I suspect this is yet another case of accusations as a weapon of the Left.  Some Democrats are gleeful when the target is an evil Republican like Kavanaugh or Trump.  But now the target is the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination.  Leftists want the nomination, and if an old and old school liberal like Biden is in the way…
Totalitarians do not stop with eliminating open opponents. They also proceed to eliminate one time allies of convenience when they are no longer useful. Biden was a good and loyal stooge to Obama. But now he is competition to the hard Left.  So he is to be eliminated. That’s what happens when “useful idiots” are no longer useful.
So this story is far more than an alleged harasser getting exposed if it is even that.  Us no longer young guys should take note.  Those who engage in smears should take note.  And those who find Leftists convenient allies should especially take note.

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