Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Big Picture

Hillary calling Trump’s election “illegitimate” and yesterday’s post about Deep State bureaucrats changing whistleblowing rules to enable hearsay whistleblowing against Trump prompt me to present the big picture of what is going on in American politics today.
That big picture was presented quite well by my alter ego and Daniel Greenfield in the first months of Trump’s presidency.  In short, the Left and the Democrat Party only accept election results when they win. You have to go back to 1988 to find a Republican presidential election victory that Democrats did not dispute.  And back then there were still some sane people in the Democrat Party or at least more than there are now.
And with the 2016 election of Trump, the first President since Reagan to actively oppose instead of enable Democrat designs on America, Democrats have doubled down on not accepting the result and, with the support of the Deep State, have been engaged in a continual coup against that election since before Trump’s inauguration.
If you want to get the really big picture, this is part of Leftist Democrats only accepting the Constitution and the Rule of Law when it serves their ends.
Obviously when a major political party does not accept elections, the Rule of Law, and the Constitution except when they serve the power of said party, you have a unhealthy situation.  After all, we have those institutions so we can peacefully rule ourselves.  We Americans prefer peacefully ruling ourselves to civil wars and dictatorships, thank you.
But instead of a political playing field we once all agreed on, we have the following choice thanks to today’s Democrat Party:
We can have a system of government based around the Constitution with democratically elected representatives. Or we can have one based on the ideological principles of the left in which all laws and processes, including elections and the Constitution, are fig leaves for enforcing social justice.
But we cannot have both.
Thus our country and our constitutional democracy itself are at stake.
I could say more, but that is the big picture.
Have a nice day.

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